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     All Under Graduate Courses follow semester pattern with respect to Teaching and Evaluation as prescribed by the affiliating university. College had limited role in evaluation process until CBCS introduced by the university in 2015-16 and provided 25% of marks for internal evaluation. Students are made aware of the evaluation process by the faculty. The Academic year is divided into two Semesters. The first or Odd Semester is to be scheduled from June to October and so as the second or even Semester from December to March respectively. Each Semester has two Internal Examinations with one End-Semester Examination in the ratio of 25:75 marks in each subject as part of a reliable and sustainable evaluation process.

      The institution strictly adheres to the guidelines of the Affiliating University in conducting internal examinations in a well-planned manner. The institution follows transparent, time-bound and efficient mechanism in evaluation process. The faculty give evaluated scripts to the students for verification. The students verify the corrected scripts and can raise grievances if any in evaluation. In such cases, the faculty concerned explains the students about the grievances raised and settles the matter.

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